Lorraine is a fixture at Solberg Airport and often the first person you meet when you visit. She has worked tirelessly for decades to keep our flight school running smoothly and both our transient and based tenants happy. Along with her brother and sister, she has spent her life at Solberg Airport working to make it the best airport in the world. Lorraine’s vision and leadership created our great community events like the Summer Solstice Celebration, Easter Bunny Fly-In, and Santa Claus Fly-In. Her years of experience in flight school and airport management are invaluable when she is able to find a quick solution to a problem that no one else sees. Stop in the office and say hello!
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration — University of Miami, 1972
Phone: (908) 534-4000 Ext. 1
Email: lorraine@solbergairport.com